Sunday, February 11, 2007


At the end of a weekend where I had less downtime than I really needed, I'm ready to blow off some steam. Seeing as it's late and the only place I have to go is here, here it is. I just feel like I need to yell and scream a little and let the kettle boil over before I can start another week. Four weeks left. Oh yeah, I'm counting.


lulu said...

But we had yummy Indian food, and a bottle of REALLY good wine that we didn't have to share, so the weekend wasn't totally bad, was it? And tomorrow you'll have fresh cookies!

nouseforaname said...

scream it out sister! a big giant FU and begin again.... truly that is the only thing that works for me.... and bloggin strangely theraputic....

Joe said...

YOU need to get away for a couple a drinks and some raucous conversation.

Tenacious S said...

Say when. Well, I have to be careful saying that. I have a rough draft of a a big paper due soon. I lead an exciting life.