Saturday, February 10, 2007

President Barack Obama

I am encouraged. Run, Barack, run. Make our hope reality.


Coaster Punchman said...

I also am smitten. Mindy June things we should still explore John Edwards, who at this point has the issues nailed down more concretely than Barak who is still talking in generalities. But I've always been slightly uncomfortable with Edwards for fear that he may do a bit of pandering to the Kristians on the social issues - e.g. he still seems pretty uncomfortable with the gay issue, although he has made moves toward the "I promise not to incinerate you" side of the issue.

Joe said...

I'm with Mindy on Edwards. He's spent the past two years developing excellent ideas for dealing with issues like health coverage (see one of Paul Krugman's recent NYT columns)poverty and income inequality. I don't see him pandering to the xtians at all.

I like Obama, but I think people are going a little nuts over him as a reaction to what a stiff Kerry was in 2004. Obama was lucky to emerge on the national stage at a point where Dems had taken a beating for years, and there was no one in the party who was seen as having star power. And again, Illinois has the most corrupt politics in the country outside of Louisiana, and I'm suspicious of any politician who comes up in that system.

lulu said...

I really like Obama, but I don't see him as having enough experience yet, and Hillery is way too polarizing. People HATE her. Edwards looks pretty good to me, from the perspective of being actually able to win the race. At this point I just want a Dem in the White House, pretty much any Dem.

Tenacious S said...

Honestly, I think he has more than enough intelligence to do the job. I fear that this country isn't ready. I'm already hearing "he's not Black enough" or "he's embracing too much." I'm disappointed, but not at all surprised. This man better be made out of iron.