Sunday, March 11, 2007

Oh, So That's Who I Am?

Good thing someone told me, because I really had no idea.


echo said...

T, did you find your answers chaotic? That is, depending on the day and time, my answers might be very different. Some were always the same (gross, for example). Curious. This may need to become a monthly exercise.... hmm.....

Tenacious S said...

My question is "High Time Roller?" WTF? Never in my life have I thought of myself as this. I found it all a bit odd. Interesting, but odd. And, to answer your question, yes my answers would change. Sometimes an island escape sounds good and sometimes I'd really like to go hiking. Sometimes I need coffee and sometimes I need a glass of wine. Where was the picture of a margarita? That's what I'd like to know!

Frank Sirmarco said...

Your answers will change with the more life experiences you have. What may seem thrilling now may have been a bore when you were 16.

They had me dead to rights when I chose the beer and the cigarette, though.