Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Two For Tuesday


Today's 2 are from the same band. It's a Now and Then kind of pair. Crowded House is back together again. Although sadly missing Paul Hester, I expect that they will not disappoint. Neil Finn seems to have a knack for writing perfect introspective pop songs that get under your skin. They always sound so shiny on the outside, but have a brooding quality just under the surface. I'm happy to say that Mr. Ten S and I will be seeing them live on Sunday night. If it's half as good as The Finn Brothers show I saw a couple of years ago, it will be fabulous.

CROWDED HOUSE-Better Be Home Soon


Frank Sirmarco said...

"The excess of fat on your American Bones will cushion the impact as you sink like a stone!"

Chocolate Cake, Crowded House

The Finn Brothers...Along with Lennon/McCartney, the Wilson brothers, Partridge/Moulding, and Difford/Tilbrook, make some of the best harmonies is music.

Tenacious S said...


Cup said...

I'm off to see Crowded House in September, so I look forward to your concert review next week.

Split Enz played in our studio back in my radio days ...